perez-lamarque benoit



Assistant Professor


My research focuses on the eco-evolutionary dynamics of species interactions. I am interested in various empirical systems, such as animal gut microbiota or plant mycorrhizal symbioses. To explore the ecology and evolution of these interactions from different angles, I combine field studies, environmental genomics and the development of statistical approaches and mathematical models.


I teach botany and plant ecology at bachelor and master's level at the Université Toulouse III - Paul Sabatier.

List of selected publications

Perez-Lamarque B, Morlon H (2024), Distinguishing cophylogenetic signal from phylogenetic congruence clarifies the interplay between evolutionary history and species interactions, Systematic Biology, in press.

Pichon B, Le Goff R, Morlon H, Perez-Lamarque B (2024), Telling mutualistic and antagonistic ecological networks apart by learning their multiscale structure, Methods in Ecology and Evolution, in press.

Maestri R*, Perez-Lamarque B*, Zhukova A, Morlon H (2024), The recent evolutionary origin and localized geographic distribution of extant mammalian coronaviruses, eLife, 13:RP91745, * contribution égale.

Perez-Lamarque B, Laurent-Webb L, Bourceret A, Maillet L, Bik F, Cartier D, Labolle F, Holveck P, Epp D, Selosse MA (2023), Fungal microbiomes associated with Lycopodiaceae during ecological succession, Environmental Microbiology Reports, 15(2): 109–118.

Perez-Lamarque B, Sommeria-Klein G, Duret L, Morlon H (2023), Phylogenetic comparative approach reveals evolutionary conservatism, ancestral composition, and integration of vertebrate gut microbiota, Molecular Biology and Evolution, 40: 7, msad144.

Perez-Lamarque B, Morlon H (2022), Comparing different computational approaches for detecting long-term vertical transmission in host-associated microbiota, Molecular Ecology, 32, 6671–6685.

Petrolli R, Zinger L, Perez-Lamarque B, Collobert G, Griveau C, Pailler T, Selosse MA, Martos F (2022), Spatial turnover of fungi and partner choice shape mycorrhizal networks in epiphytic orchids, Journal of Ecology, 110: 2568–2584.

Perez-Lamarque B, Maliet O, Pichon B, Selosse MA, Martos F, Morlon H (2022), Do closely related species interact with similar partners? Testing for phylogenetic signal in bipartite interaction networks, Peer Community Journal, 2: e59.

Perez-Lamarque B, Petrolli R, Strullu-Derrien C, Strasberg D, Morlon H, Selosse MA, Martos F (2022), Structure and specialization of mycorrhizal networks in phylogenetically diverse tropical communities, Environmental Microbiome, 17: 38.

Perez-Lamarque B, Öpik M, Maliet O, Afonso Silva AC, Selosse MA, Martos F, Morlon H (2022), Analysing diversification dynamics using barcoding data: The case of an obligate mycorrhizal symbiont, Molecular Ecology, 31: 3496–512.

Perez-Lamarque B, Krehenwinkel H, Gillespie R, Morlon H (2022), Limited evidence for microbial transmission in the phylosymbiosis between Hawaiian spiders and their microbiota, mSystems, 7: e01104-21.

Dorrell RG, Villain A, Perez-Lamarque B, Audren de Kerdrel G, McCallum G, Watson A, ait-Mohamed O, Alberti A, Corre E, Frischkorn KR, Pierella Karlusich JJ, Pelletier E, Morlon H, Bowler C, Blanc G (2021), Phylogenomic fingerprinting of tempo and functions of horizontal gene transfer within ochrophytes, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118: e2009974118.

Perez-Lamarque B, Selosse MA, Öpik M, Morlon H, Martos F (2020), Cheating in the arbuscular mycorrhizal mutualism: a network and phylogenetic analysis, New Phytologist, 226: 1822-1835.

Perez-Lamarque B, Morlon H (2019), Characterizing symbiont inheritance during host–microbiota evolution: Application to the great apes gut microbiota, Molecular Ecology Resources, 19: 1659-1671.

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