Jérome Orivel



Senior Scientist


My research activities focus on three main themes: (i) community structuring and biotic interactions, (ii) venom ecology, and (iii) participatory science and awareness-raising. Ants are the historical study model, and more recently other taxonomic groups have been integrated through eDNA metabarcoding approaches. I am interested in the understanding of diversity patterns from the very local scale (m2) to the scale of Amazonia in relation to biotic and abiotic factors, as well as land use change. The study of venom ecology aims to understand the use and evolution of venoms in a context of interactions between organisms and with the environment, in order to characterize compounds and activities with high potential for valorization as bioinsecticides. The democratization of science through knowledge sharing is also an important aspect of my work. I am developing participatory science approaches with schoolchildren on the theme of urban biodiversity - a component that is easily accessible to all and scientifically relevant to the characterization of invasive alien species.

Responsabilities, other activities


List of selected publications

All publications : https://scholar.google.com/citations?view_op=list_works&hl=fr&user=gOllhhQAAAAJ&gmla=AC6lMd-E7ZX-Dt6k0NiuFcnUVx1vRtznOeuhCQzV_G2OCDCT5dbMEB3T0mCbLGMmtGzxj7SRFcmyAJXdDL4wknU1JUrBE16vN2qlbEt0XdZEmVnCOhWesOWPycdy2I44kfbSohapQ_g