Team Aquatic Ecology and Global Changes (AQUAECO)

Understanding how freshwater ecosystems respond to global change

The AQUAECO team seeks to understand how freshwater aquatic ecosystems respond to global changes using complementary facets of biodiversity, including taxonomic, functional, genetic and phylogenetic approaches. Our project aims to integrate the different levels of organization of biological diversity (from genes to ecosystems), by jointly carrying out intra-(populations), inter-specific (communities) and ecosystem-level approaches (temporal stability/degree of synchrony of key components of ecosystem functioning such as food webs). Our main objectives will be to understand the determinism of biodiversity across scales of biological organization and to measure the effects of global changes on aquatic ecosystems considered at these different scales.

Sébastien BROSSE


Sébastien BROSSE

Professor UT3

Lisa Jacquin



Associate Professor UT3

Research topics


Patterns and determinants of freshwater biodiversity considered at local, regional and gobal scales

eaux douces

Impacts of global changes

overfishing, chemical and organic pollution, deforestation, dams, invasive species, climate change... on the taxonomic, functional and phylogenetic structure of freshwater faunas


Structure of aquatic food webs and responses to anthropogenic disturbances

poissons dessin

AQUAECO team members