Team Biogeochemistry and Ecosystems (BIOECO)

Biogeochemical flow dynamics

The team's main objective is to characterize and quantify the dynamics of biogeochemical flows and their interactions with plant, animal and microbial communities. We advocate a holistic approach to ecosystem functioning within continental surfaces, fully integrating the eco-biogeochemical functioning of ecological regulation zones. From now on, we want to consider the interactions within a regulating ECO-system, but also between regulating ecosystems themselves in terrestrial-aquatic continuums, using an integrated approach at watershed scale, while taking into account the impact of global change. Wetlands in the broadest sense of the term remain the central common object, and will be studied under different pedo-bioclimatic conditions, as well as within boundary ecosystems and agroecosystems.




Research engineer CNRS

Sánchez-Pérez José-Miguel



Research Director CNRS

Research topics

Facteurs de controle

Control factors

What factors control the dynamics of biogeochemical fluxes in ecosystems with high or low levels of human activity and different bioclimatic gradients?

Fonctionnement d'un bassin versant

How a watershed functions

What is the biogeochemical functioning of a watershed and its dynamics, integrating the functioning of regulating ecosystems?

Trajectoires d'un bassin versant

Watershed trajectories

What are the eco-biogeochemical trajectories of watersheds under the impact of global change?

BIOECO team members