

The CRBE has four supervisory bodies:

At CNRS, CRBE's main affiliation is with section 29, and its secondary affiliation is with section 30. The unit is also attached to sections 67 (Population biology and ecology) and 68 (Biology of organisms) of the Conseil National des Universités.

On the Toulouse site

In the Toulouse region, CRBE is one of :

  • de l’Observatoire Midi-Pyrénées à l’UT3 (OMP, Observatoire des Sciences de l’Univers, CNRS-INSU) qui comprend 7 unités mixtes de recherche et une unité d’appui à la recherche dans les domaines des sciences de l’Univers et de l’Environnement
  • the Agrobiosciences, Interactions and Biodiversity Research Federation (FR AIB or FR3450, CNRS INSB and UT), which brings together Toulouse's main research forces in plant biology and molecular ecology at the INRAE Auzeville Agro-Campus (5 units).

Structuring research instruments

The CRBE teams are supported by a range of structuring research instruments such as LabEx CEBA, TULIP, and DRIIHM, observation network OZCAR and the Workshop Zone PYGAR, numerous national and international research groups at CNRS (GDR, GDRI, IRP) and IRD (LMI and JEAI).