Lisa Jacquin



Enseignante-chercheuse, membre IUF Junior 2021-2026
Membre de l’équipe


Keywords: Evolutionary Ecology, Intraspecific variability, Ecophysiology, Behavior, Host-Parasite Interactions, Coloration, Pollution, Ecotoxicology, One Health

Main research topics: Evolution of responses to multiple stressors, (Mal)adaptation to pollution, Host-parasites interactions in polluted environments, Causes and consequences of intraspecific variability in a changing world, Wildlife health

Current model species: Freshwater fishes


  • Enseignements en Biologie Animale (Licence) et en Écologie (Master)
  • Co-responsable du Master Gestion de la Biodiversité (GBI)

Responsabilités, autres activités

Co-responsable de l’équipe Aquaeco (2021-actuel)

Sélection de publications

Gouthier L, Jacquin L, Giraud J, Jean S, Hansson SV 2023. Distribution of metal contaminants in brown trout and fish blood as potential non lethal monitoring tool. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology BECT, 111 (1): 12. 

Petitjean Q, Laffaille P, Perrault A, Cousseau M, Jean S*, Jacquin L* (co-senior authors) 2023. Adaptive plastic responses to metal contamination in a multistress context: a field experiment in fish. Environmental Science and Pollution Research ESPR, 19:55678-55698

Duval E, E Quéméré, G Loot, L Jacquin, C Veyssière & S Blanchet 2022. A multifaceted health index to detect risk-prone populations and underlying stressors in wildlife. Biological Conservation, 274: 109706

Côte J, Jacquin L, Veyssière C, Manzi S, Etienne R, Jean S, Perrault A, Cambon M, White J. 2022. Changes in fish skin microbiota along gradients of eutrophication in human-altered rivers. FEMS Microbiology Ecology17;98: fiac006

Côte Jessica, O Morisseau, C Pilissi, C Veyssière, A Perrault, C Jezequel, G Loot, S Blanchet, S Jean, L Jacquin 2021. Urbanization and eutrophication as drivers of morphological and physiological divergence in fish. Freshwater Biology, 66:  669-682

Duval E, Blanchet S, Quéméré E, Jacquin L, Veyssière C, Lautraite A, Garmendia L, Yotte A, Parthuisot N, Côte J, Loot G 2021. Urine DNA as a non-lethal method for endoparasite biomonitoring. Environmental DNA3: 1035-1045

Côte Jessica, O Morisseau, C Pilissi, C Veyssière, A Perrault, C Jezequel, G Loot, S Blanchet, S Jean, L Jacquin 2021. Urbanization and eutrophication as drivers of morphological and physiological divergence in fish. Freshwater Biology, 66:  669-682

Petitjean Q, L Jacquin, L Riem, M Cousseau, A Perrault, P Laffaille, S Jean. 2021. Intraspecific variability of responses to metal contamination and immune challenge across wild gudgeon populations. Environmental Pollution272: 116042

Petitjean Q, L Jacquin, M LeHénaff, A Perrault, M Cousseau, P Laffaille, S Jean. 2021. Dose‐ and time‐dependent effects of an immune challenge on fish across biological levels. Journal of Experimental Zoology335(2):250-264 

Petitjean Q, S Jean, J Côte, A Perrault, P Laffaille, L Jacquin. 2020. Direct and indirect effects of environmental stressors on fish health in human-altered rivers. Science of the Total Environment140657

Jacquin L, Petitjean Q, Côte J, Laffaille P, Jean S. 2020. Effects of pollution on fish behavior and cognition: some research perspectives. Frontiers in Ecology & Evolution. 8, 86

Côte Jessica, Pilissi C, Morisseau O, Veyssière C, Perrault A, Jean S, Blanchet S, Jacquin L 2019. Water turbidity affects melanin-based coloration in gudgeon: a reciprocal transplant experiment. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society4128: 451–459

Petitjean Q, Jean S, Gandar A, Côte J, Laffaille P, Jacquin L 2019. Stress responses in fish: From molecular to evolutionary processesScience of the Total Environment, 684: 371-380 

Jacquin L, A Gandar, A Perrault, M Aguirre-Smith, LeHénaff M, L De Jong, S Paris, P Laffaille, S Jean 2019. High temperature aggravates the effects of pesticides in goldfish. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 172:255-264

Côte Jessica, Boniface A, Blanchet S, Hendry AP, Gasparini J, Jacquin L. 2018. Melanin-based coloration and host-parasite interactions under global change. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 285: 20180285

Jacquin L, Gauthey Z, Roussille V, LeHénaff M, Tentelier C, Labonne J. 2017. Melanin in a changing world: brown trout coloration reflects alternative reproductive strategies in variable environments. Behavioral Ecology, 28: 1423–1430

Jacquin L, Dybwad CRolhausen G, Hendry A, Reader S. 2017. Evolutionary and immediate effects of crude oil pollution on exploration behaviour in Trinidadian guppies. Animal Cognition20:97-108

Jacquin L., Reader S., Boniface A., Matelunna J., Patalas I., Perez-Jvostov F., Hendry A 2016. Parallel and nonparallel behavioural evolution in response to predation and parasitism in Trinidadian guppies. Journal of Evolutionary Biology29:1406-1422